
Physical Education classes and recess are an important part of each students schedule. In physical education classes the students must wear sneakers to participate in class. The students will be graded on Participation, Behavior, Skill, and Following Directions. The students will come to the gymnasium twice a week for 40 minutes. Each class will include warm-up exercises of gross motor and locomotor skills. We will cover the following units:

1) Soccer/Football

2) Fitness Testing

3) Ball Skills/Basketball

4) Thanksgiving Relays-Holiday Theme

5) Jump Rope Unit/ Snowball Challenge/Scooter Hockey

6) Athletic Skill Unit/Fitness Unit

7) Heart Unit /Jump Rope for Heart

8) Square Dance Unit in Collaboration with Music Department

9) Project Adventure Games Mission Impossible

10) Rainforest Unit in collaboration with PTA

11) Traffic Unit/Vehicle Safety

12) Game Day Preparation/Lacrosse Skills Unit

* In addition to Physical Education classes a certified Physical Education Teacher (Mr. Charles) will be organizing the recess periods several times a week. Students must wear rubber soled shoes to participate on the playground equipment and in the organized games. If students do not, they may participate in an activity that does not involve running to ensure safety of all students!*