About me

Hi there! My name is Olivia Conrad and I am so excited to be your child's first grade teacher!

A little background...

I graduated from SUNY Old Westbury with a degree in Childhood Education grades 1-6 and Special Education grades 1-6! I completed my student teaching in South Huntington and never left! South Huntington has a very special place in my heart.

I hope that this school year brings a lot of joy and learning. It is important to me that every student feels loved and welcome in our classroom. I am a firm believer in the power of social emotional learning- I hope to give your children the tools they need to succeed in life! I believe that students learn best when they know they are accepted and celebrated. Bonus points if their teacher collaboratively works with the people at home- so expect to hear from me often!

We are in this together!

A few of my favorite things

  • Food: Anything spicy!

  • Place: The beach!

  • Color: Light pink or yellow!

  • Drink: Seltzer water!

  • Season: Fall because that means back to school!

  • Hobby: Painting my nails!

  • Place to shop: Amazon!

  • Candy: KitKats or Starburst!