Supply Lists 2024-2025

Sharpeners, please!

Your child will also need a pencil sharpener with a lid as the students are responsible for sharpening their own pencils!  I recommend buying a few during Back to School sales when they are inexpensive, as they do not last all year.

Grade 2 supply list 2024-25

Please label your supply box, crayons, scissors, folders, notebooks, and headphones.  Everything else will be shared!

Grade 2 supply list 2024-25_Spanish

Etiquete su caja de suministros, crayones, tijeras, carpetas, cuadernos y auriculares.  ¡Todo lo demás será compartido! 

How to Pack Your Supply Box!

The first day of 2nd grade is a very exciting and busy day!  It would make our day go much smoother if you could put the following supplies from our list  into your child's supply box:

I will collect everything else and get the students all set up for success.  

Also, feel free to send the bulkier items, like tissues and bags later in the week, so those backpacks don't get too heavy!  

Thank you for your support!

Mrs. Kapps

¡El primer día de segundo grado es un día muy emocionante y ocupado!  Sería mucho más fácil para nuestro día si pudiera poner los siguientes suministros de nuestra lista en la caja de suministros de su hijo:

Además, siéntete libre de enviar los artículos más voluminosos, como pañuelos de papel y bolsas más adelante en la semana, ¡para que esas mochilas no pesen demasiado

¡Gracias por tu apoyo!

Sra. Kapps