Tips for Doing Your Best on Multiple-Choice Questions

Tip #1: Peek-A-Boo

Cover up the answer choices and try to answer the question on your own. Then read each choice carefully and see if your guess matches any of the choices.

Tip #2: Cut the Fat (process of elimination)

Read all of the options carefully and then cross out any choices you know must be wrong so you have fewer to think about.

Tip #3: Circle, Circle, Circle

Make good use of your pencil and circle or underline important information in the question. Think F.U.N! (find it, underline it, number it)

Tip #4: Double Back

Often, all of the answers contain some information from the passage. Make sure you refer back to the text as often as possible to double check to see if you are correct.

Tip #5: Can’t Fool Me

There is usually going to be a good answer choice and a GREAT answer choice. You should always read all of the choices before selecting the BEST answer.