Algebra 2

Hello students and parents:    

Looking forward to meeting all of you soon.  Grading this year will be based on the following.

Quizzes:  Count as 65% of the quarter average.  All quizzes are out of 10,15, or 20 points.  The weighting depends on the length of the unit.  Instead of a unit test, I will break it down into several quizzes.  We usually have 4-5 quizzes per quarter.  There are a total of 13 units.  Cheating on a quiz is an automatic zero this year.  ( and a phone call home )    No notes on desk during a quiz.  ( or written on arms )   If a student is cutting the day of the quiz, it is also a zero.  ( if it appears as a cut on IC )   

Phones will be collected every day.   Students will place in the caddy at front of room at the beginning of class.

HW:  Counts as 20% of the student's average.  Everyone starts off with a 100 HW grade each quarter.  (20/20)   Miss one and you lose 5  points off your HW grade and it will be recorded on Infinite Campus promptly.  ( ex:  19/20 = 95 )   I do not assign a lot of HW, so this shouldn't be an issue.  This way parents can see if their child has any missing HWs in real time.  I don't grade the HW, I'm just checking to see that the effort is there.  HW will be treated as a quiz in the overall average.  

Participation:   Counts as 15% of the student's average.  Everyone starts off with a 100 Participation grade each quarter.   (15/15)   I will count this as a quiz grade in the overall average.  I will do periodic notetaking checks at the end of class.  No notes and I will take a point off your Participation grade.   ( ex.  14/15 )   I will also include putting phones in the wall caddy as part of the participation grade.  Refusal to do so is a point off the participation grade as well.  Refusal to stop talking in class is a point off the participation grade.  

Algebra 2 is a rigorous course that requires a good attendance record.  Please encourage your son/daughter to attend daily.  Calculators will be provided daily in class when needed.   Maintaining a math folder to store notes and graded quizzes is recommended.  

Bathroom visits require blue pass along with a school ID.  

Extra Help every morning from 7am-7:25am.  No appt nec.  The door is open.  ( 634 )    Notes will be posted daily on GC.  

Please check Parent Square as well for important messages.  

Curriculum and lesson videos:

Thank you.

Mr Conroy

Hello students and parents:    

Looking forward to meeting all of you soon.  Grading this year will be based on the following.

Quizzes:  Count as 65% of the quarter average.  All quizzes are out of 10,15, or 20 points.  The weighting depends on the length of the unit.  Instead of a unit test, I will break it down into several quizzes.  We usually have 4-5 quizzes per quarter.  There are a total of 13 units.  Cheating on a quiz is an automatic zero this year.  ( and a phone call home )    No notes on desk during a quiz.  ( or written on arms )   If a student is cutting the day of the quiz, it is also a zero.  ( if it appears as a cut on IC )   

Phones will be collected every day.   Students will place in the caddy at front of room at the beginning of class.

HW:  Counts as 20% of the student's average.  Everyone starts off with a 100 HW grade each quarter.  (20/20)   Miss one and you lose 5  points off your HW grade and it will be recorded on Infinite Campus promptly.  ( ex:  19/20 = 95 )   I do not assign a lot of HW, so this shouldn't be an issue.  This way parents can see if their child has any missing HWs in real time.  I don't grade the HW, I'm just checking to see that the effort is there.  HW will be treated as a quiz in the overall average.  

Participation:   Counts as 15% of the student's average.  Everyone starts off with a 100 Participation grade each quarter.   (15/15)   I will count this as a quiz grade in the overall average.  I will do periodic notetaking checks at the end of class.  No notes and I will take a point off your Participation grade.   ( ex.  14/15 )   I will also include putting phones in the wall caddy as part of the participation grade.  Refusal to do so is a point off the participation grade as well.  

Algebra 2 is a rigorous course that requires a good attendance record.  Please encourage your son/daughter to attend daily.  Calculators will be provided daily in class when needed.   Maintaining a math folder to store notes and graded quizzes is recommended.  

Bathroom visits require blue pass along with a school ID.  

Extra Help every morning from 7am-7:25am.  No appt nec.  The door is open.  ( 634 )    Notes will be posted daily on GC.  

Please check Parent Square as well for important messages.  

Curriculum and lesson videos:

Thank you.

Mr Conroy