Living Environment Period 2 and 3

Welcome to Mrs. Mahoney's Living Environment class.  This is a Regents based class that meets for 40 mins every other day for lab and 40 minutes every day for the class. 

***If you are in my class Period 1 and 2 class, the lab will be period 1 day 1 and class will be during period 2. 

***If you are in my Period 3 and 4 class, the class will be during period 3 every day and the lab will be period 4 day 2.

This class ends in a Regents that will be held in June 2024.

There is a 1200 minute lab requirement that must be met by May 15, 2024 in order to be eligible to sit for the Regents in June.  

Extra help will be held on Tuesdays at 2:15 in Room 215.

The syllabus for this class can be found in our google classroom.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at