Welcome to Intramural Pickleball!

Announcement: We will be taking our yearbook picture at our NOVEMBER 14th meeting.

Advisors: Mr. Rogers jrogers@shufsd.org & Mr. Sweezey clsweezey@shufsd.org

When do we meet? Bi-weekly after school

Next Meeting: Monday, February 5th, 3:15-4:15 in the North Cafeteria

Do I need to bring anything? No! We supply nets, paddles, and pickleballs. If you would like to bring your own paddle and pickleballs, you are more than welcome to do so. However, attendees MUST be wearing proper footwear in order to play.

Our Purpose: Pickleball has taken the world by storm. It is played with only a few rules, equipment, and space, which makes it easy for new players to gain an interest. At the same time, Pickleball provides players with the opportunity to devise strategies, work as a team (if you're playing doubles), and get a good workout in a short amount of time. Pickleball is also a social sport, where you can catch up and converse with your fellow classmates and peers. All Whitman students are encouraged to come down, regardless of skill level/prior experience!


Basic Pickleball Rules

PDF Summary from USA Pickleball