Apprendre le français;   Apprendre la grammaire;    Comprendre et Apprendre les dialogues

Les vidéos pour apprendre la grammaire avec Vincent

Améliorer la prononciation en chantant:  Vive la chanson française

Activités de compréhension orale sur internet;  

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In due time, you will be directed to consult my Weebly and practice on Preparing for the AP French Language and Culture Workbook online:

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                                           Date:     AP French Language and Culture Examination will be administered on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 @ 8:00 am. Location to be announced. 

Are you interested in obtaining this prestigious Seal? Would you like to have the Seal of Biliteracy on your diploma and transcript? Would you like to receive the New York State prestigious Seal of Biliteracy Medallion to wear on your graduation? Click on this link to find out more. Submit application and forms by emailing them to Ms. Cecilia Blanco,; Ms. Yonit Hindes, and cc me.