Meet Mrs. Finnegan & Mrs. Galano

Mrs. Finnegan

Hello! I am so excited to be one of your first grade teachers this year! I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and having a great year together. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I have been teaching first grade for 22 years here at Oakwood! I have two sons. Brennan is 20 years old and he is in his third year of college and Rowan is 16 years old and he is in 11th grade this year. I also have 2 dogs at home. Sawyer is an 11 year old cocker spaniel and Sadie is a 6 year old pittie mix. I spent a lot of time traveling with my husband this summer and relaxing! I can't wait to meet all of you!

Mrs. Galano

Hi First Graders! I hope everyone had a great summer! I can’t wait to meet you all soon and have a great year in first grade together! Just a little bit about me… I have been teaching first grade for seven years now! Before that I taught Kindergarten at Oakwood for ten years.  I know that sounds like a long time but I love teaching so it has gone by quickly!  I have three children.  My oldest daughter is going into seventh grade.  Her name is Liliana.  My son is going into fifth grade.  His name is Liam.  My youngest daughter is Emma and she is going into second grade this year!  We also have a dog named Rex.  Rex is six years old and he is a yellow lab.  Our house can be very busy! My husband is Mr. Galano and he is a lot of fun too.  This past summer my family and I loved going to the beach and swimming in the pool.  We also loved going for long walks and bike rides together! I can’t wait to see you all soon!