AP Economics

Dr. Corcoran

Welcome To AP Macroeconomics!!

How you will be graded:

1.You will be given one (1) homework assignment per Module.  Modules will be assigned “per class”.

2.Each Module will count two (2) points per test.

3.If you turn in the assignment on the day it assigned, and it is a well done assignment, you will receive the two points on the test and an additional “extra credit” point.

4.If you hand in the homework assignments the day of the test you will still receive the full two (2) points on the test.

5.If no assignment is turned in you will receive no points.

6.Any assignments from AP Classroom will also count for two points on the test.

7.Your test grade will be the sum of your test and assignments from the unit.

8.Tests will count for 85% of your quarter grade.

9.The other 15% will be determined by your participation in classroom activities which makes attendance a priority.

Email me at if you have any questions:
