6RE & AIS Math

Welcome To 6th Grade

Dear Parents and New Sixth Grade Students:

I hope you have had a wonderful summer and are well rested. I am looking forward to a fun and productive year in AIS Math Support Class. This letter will provide you with the information you will need regarding required materials, classroom policies and procedures. 


1- Composition Notebook

3 - #2 Sharpened Pencils


Homework/Classroom Policies:

Homework will be assigned regularly. All assignments must be completed on time. Parents will be notified if homework is not completed on a regular basis.

In the classroom, students are expected to be attentive and prepared. Chromebooks are to be charged the night before. Students should ask questions if they are unsure of directions, information presented or assignments given.

Grading Procedures

AIS math support class uses a pass/fail grade. Most of your quarterly grade is from the work you complete on the iReady program in class and the homework assigned regularly. Please make sure you complete a lesson for homework daily.

The quarterly grade is based on:

Classwork, homework, and effort pass/fail

I am looking forward to a great year. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Mrs. Castronovo 
