General Information

This Program of Studies has been designed to provide you with information about academic policies, graduation requirements and courses offered. In this guide, you are provided a brief description for each of the course offerings. This curriculum has been reviewed and updated to ensure that each student is provided the best possible preparation for his or her next step into either college or a career. Please read through this guide thoroughly and discuss the available options so that you can make a well-informed choice in selecting your academic program.

If you have any questions regarding the course selection process or about specific courses, please contact the guidance department. We look forward to working with you to ensure that every student is provided the most appropriate academic program that is tailored to his or her needs.

Scott Neigel

Somerset Hills School District

Board of Education

25 Olcott Avenue

Bernardsville, New Jersye 07924


Ms. Jamie Leiss


Mr. Timothy McDonald


Mr. Robert Baker

Ms. Monica Burch

Ms. Nicole Cooper

Ms. Greg DiGioacchino

Mr. Jan Mayle

Ms. Heather Santoro

Ms. Kathy Tober

Ms. Janis Virtue

District Administration

Dr. Gretchen Dempsey

Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Jennifer Shouffler

Assistant Superintendent of Schools

Ms. Teresa Vaught

Supervisor of Student Services

Ms. Heather Goguen

Business Administrator

Bernards High School


Dr. Scott Neigel


Mr. Michael Hoppe

Assistant Principal

Dr. Michael Corbett

Assistant Principal

Student Support Services Personnel

Ms. Coleen Butler, Director of Guidance, 908-204-1930 x2119;

Ms. Megan Dooley, Counselor, 908-204-1930 x. 2128;

Ms. Amanda Ellis, Counselor, 908-204-1930 x. 2130;

Ms. Lizabeth Stolarz, Counselor, 908-204-1930 x. 2345;

Ms. Anna Sosely, Counselor, 908-204-1930 x. 2131;

Ms. Anne Connor, Nurse

Dr. Jennifer Miranda, School Psychologist

Ms. Lisa Drew, Student Assistance Counselor

Ms. Wendi LaBruno, Learning Consultant

Ms. Karen Ayres, Social Worker


Bernards High School is a fully accredited member of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and the New Jersey Department of Education. Bernards High School graduates, with proper courses and suitable academic achievement, are acceptable to all colleges in the United States.

Administrative Philosophy of the Principal

The administration and teachers must work together as a team to provide the best educational program for the students of Bernards High School. The principal's particular responsibility is to provide overall leadership and organization and the best possible climate and support for excellent teaching and learning. Working together in an atmosphere with mutual respect for our diverse responsibilities for the educational program should be a common goal for all staff members.

Bernards High School is committed to providing its students a unique educational experience of extraordinary quality, depth, and achievement such that each and every student has the opportunity and the support needed to develop as far and as fast as his or her potential will allow.

To fulfill this commitment we will:

    • Provide frequent and thorough evaluation of students, staff, administration, Board of Education and system components to justify all educational efforts and experiences.
    • Involve students, staff, administration, Board of Education and parents as active, responsible and interdependent participants in the educational process by creating structures requiring affirmative choice and action by each.
    • Encourage innovation by students, staff, administration, Board of Education and parents alike in developing innovative programs and skills in divergent thinking; provide specific opportunities for educational development; and clearly identify the responsibilities of students, staff, administration, Board of Education and parents.
    • Provide for the entire school community modeling and coaching toward positive social, emotional, physical, ethical and intellectual development.
    • Utilize community members and other resources within the community to select curricula and programs that respect and reflect the basic American values including but not limited to:
      • Self-reliance and self-respect
      • Civic responsibility
      • Respect for the environment
      • Tolerance and concern for others and their views
      • Opportunity for individuals expression, choice and accomplishment

Assurance of Rights

No student shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, religion, English proficiency, socioeconomic status or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subject to discrimination under any Bernards High School program or activity. In addition, the curriculum promotes mutual acceptance and respect among students, and enables students to interact effectively with others.

Inquiries relating to students' rights may be directed to:

Jennifer Shouffler, Affirmative Action Officer Somerset Hills School District

25 Olcott Avenue

Bernardsville, NJ 07924

Telephone: 908-204-1930 x. 1314 or

The Director of the Office for Civil Rights

Department of Health, Education and Welfare

Washington, DC

Inspiring Ethical and Honorable Behavior

The educators and parents in the BHS community trust that students, given the opportunity, will behave honorably. Students are encouraged to develop responsible judgment that is consistent with both the written and unwritten codes of responsibility that are embedded in the culture that defines BHS. Even though the educators and parents work to foster this ideal, all students are susceptible to violations of this community trust. Therefore, responsible adults are charged with establishing clear and realistic parameters for student behavior. The primary purpose of the Somerset Hills School Community is to inspire all students to have a passion for learning by providing educational experiences within a challenging and supportive environment. This community, in the schools and at home, flourishes to the extent that its members share a common framework of universal values and ethics. Our framework has, at its core, the following goals:

    • To promote educational priorities
    • To facilitate instruction and assessment
    • To support the educational experience
    • To secure an atmosphere of trust
    • To instill the fundamentals of mutual respect and positive social and ethical behavior

The mind-set for ethical behavior is initially formed in the home. The faculty and administration of the district, in collaboration with the parents and guardians, have high expectations for scholastic and personal integrity and are committed to those students who uphold these standards. The implementation of ethical practices and values is essential to the health of our entire school community.

Sexual Harassment

Somerset Hills Board of Education policy directs that Bernards High School must maintain an environment for learning and working that is free from sexual harassment. It shall be a violation of this policy for any member of the school community to harass another member of the school community through conduct or communications of a sexual nature as defined herein. Sexual harassment is defined as sexual advances; requests for sexual favors and other inappropriate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by any member of the school community. A relevant publication, About Sexual Harassment in School, proposes one basic rule regarding sexual harassment: It is probably sexual harassment if the person feels uncomfortable or threatened as a result of the action. It doesn't matter what the harasser intended. School authorities and law enforcement agencies will deal with sexual harassment in a most serious and thorough manner.

Statement of Philosophy for Bernards High School

Bernards High School strives to offer an excellent education to all young people. This education will help students to develop both intellectual and practical skills, to acquire knowledge, to establish attainable goals, to obtain a sense of personal worth, and to understand and contribute to our dynamic democratic society. All students are encouraged to develop a personal responsibility towards their education, and a sense of pride in their development. Student interest and abilities differ; therefore, the school attempts to offer a comprehensive program. The program provides adequate course offerings and related services to meet individual needs and abilities, personal guidance to encourage student growth, and co-curricular activities for enrichment. Our goal is to prepare students for whatever paths they seek following graduation.The staff is composed of members who have a genuine interest in young people, a thorough preparation in their respective fields, and personal integrity. The functioning of Bernards High School is a mutually supportive effort involving staff, students, school board and community.