General Information & Program Goals

The Enrichment Program at Bedwell is based on Joseph Renzulli’s Schoolwide Enrichment Model.  This model was designed to encourage creative productivity on the part of young people by exposing them to a wide array of topics, areas of possible interest, and fields of study, and to further train them in the application of advanced content, process-training skills, and authentic methodology to self-selected areas of interest. 



Enrichment Program Goals

· To provide students with instructional experiences that differ in content, processes, rate, and depth from the patterns of the regular classroom

· To extend students' abilities to utilize higher-order cognitive processes

· To provide students with experiences that encourage self-initiated and self-directed learning and growth

· To provide students with experiences that expose them to, encourage the pursuit of, and instruct them in the use of specialized resources

· To encourage students to recognize the inherent worth in the pursuit of knowledge

· To provide opportunities for in-depth learning in areas of individual interest


The intent of the enrichment program is to be inclusive rather than exclusive, to encourage rather than discourage, and ultimately to support the exceptional individuals who demonstrate the drive, inventiveness, excellence, service, and leadership to a purpose beyond themselves. 

Please follow what is going on in the Bedwell Enrichment Program on Twitter! Follow us on Twitter at Mrs.Leonard@Bedwell_Enrich.

Questions about the Bedwell Enrichment Program?  Please e-mail Mrs. Leonard at

Please click here to see the Bedwell Enrichment Program HSA Parent Information Presentation.