Student Spotlight!


Sextus Can't Get Sleep!

Students in Dr. Thompson Latin 2 Honors course wrote presentational writing assignments in comic form!  Check out these samples from her class: D Kumar H Patel 

T.I.L Projects (Today I learned)!

Students in Dr. Thompson Latin 2 class work on these projects, an idea shared by Mr. Bellemer.  Dr. Thompson shares, "I have found that students love the idea of doing a ‘deep dive’ on a topic that interests them on a personal level.   In this way, we can relate, compare, and contrast the ancient world with modern interests and practices.  Students delved into a variety of topics, such as Roman:  music style, hairstyles, makeup, Roman and Greek musical instruments, mosaic materials and colors, sports, activities in the baths, the Lupercalia, Saturnalia, Bacchanalia and other more obscure religious festivals, and naming system, to name a few."

 Video 1 Saturnalia 

The Roman Army 

Roman Music 

Figures of Speech Project

Students in Dr. Thompson Latin 4 Honors class created a project connecting figures of speech with pop culture.  Here is an example of creativity in action

Taylor Swift Figures of Speech 

Traveling the Roman Empire:

Students in Mr. Bellemer's Latin 3 class created a tourism brochure from the Roman Empire:



No to Islamophobia and anti-gitano sentiments!

Students in Intermediate Spanish IV are working on resolving conflicts.  After watching a video on anti muslim and gitano cultures in Spain, they were asked to create a social media post in response, bringing awareness to this growing concern.


Chinese Spring Fest 2023

Thank you to the Chinese World Language Students and Jia Laoshi and Meng Laoshi for their beautiful performances!