5th Grade Expectations

School Uniform Policy:

To School: Each day, students should bring their water bottles, planners and take home folders, their C.A.R.E.S., their willingness to learn, and a positive attitude! Students are asked to adhere to the SHPA uniform policy. Please consult the SHPA Parent Handbook for an updated version.

Take Home Folders/Planners: Students should keep track of their planner and take home folder (we will be using them daily). Our planners are a wonderful source of communication. Parents, please look for the TGT (Todays Good Thing) section in your student’s planner. In this section students will write down something good from their day and this will give you an opportunity to talk with your student about the topic listed. I will be checking and starring them each day. The students will write their assignments in their planner daily, and show you nightly.

Take Home Folders will hold homework or important information to be taken home to either be kept at home or completed and returned. Notes to me may either be written in your student’s planner or put in their folders.

Homework: Please complete homework in pencil. Math homework will usually consist of a selected section of a workbook that our math curriculum provides, and possibly some supplemental work that comes home when necessary. 

For reading homework students are expected to spend 30 minutes reading each evening. This could include independent reading, time you spend reading to your child, or reading that occurs naturally throughout the day (ie. reading recipes, street signs, reading signs at grocery stores, playing games, etc.) 

Water bottles/Healthy Snack: Each day your student should bring their water bottle to school. We believe it is important for students to stay hydrated in order for the most learning to take place. Students may bring a small, healthy snack for the afternoon. 

Classroom Expectations:

1. Be respectful of others and their property.

2. Listen carefully and follow directions the first time they are given.

3. Be kind.

4. Do your best!

As a class we discussed what it looked like, sounded like, felt like, etc when we were following all of the expectations we have in our classroom. Each of the students and I signed the list of expectations to show our commitment to them throughout the year.

Reminders: Each student is accountable for their own behavior and learning. If a student is having trouble following the classroom expectations or the school rules we will give them a reminder. These reminders are for blurting, language, disrespect, physical, and off task. After 3 reminders then I will conference with the student to come up with different solutions to help their behavior. Once a student gets to 6 reminders I will also contact you via email to let you know what has been happening and solutions we are working on. Once a student gets to 9 reminders, admin will step in to help with the child.  We also want to focus on positive behavior. Schoolwide we will also be handing out Eagle Bucks. Eagle Bucks will be given to individuals or a class for showing exceptional behavior. These can be given by specialist teachers, administration, and other classroom teachers. Eagle Bucks will be turned into the office and students will qualify for a drawing.

Volunteers: One of the things I love about Seven Hills is the enthusiasm and desire of parents to volunteer in our classroom and I am so appreciative of the time and energy that you share with all of us. Volunteer opportunities will be available throughout the school year and those opportunities will be communicated by me or a volunteer coordinator. If there are special things that you can do (talents, hobbies, jobs, abilities) that you wish to share with the class, please do not hesitate to let me know. Please be sure to read the updated policy for volunteering in the Parent Handbook. A background check is required for anyone who volunteers at the school. Background checks are valid for 4 years. There is a convenient link on the Seven Hills website to fill out the background check form.