Fidgets: Ban or Don't Ban?
Fidget Toys Should be Banned
by Christopher and Samantha
Have you ever thought we should ban fidget toys? Well, we think fidget toys should be banned. First of all, people say fidgets “help” them, but they don’t, they can be distracting. We only think you NEED them if you REALLY NEED them, like people with ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) or CP (cerebral palsy.)
One example is students could be focusing on the fidgets and not working on important school work. This has happened in our class many times. Another example is kids could use fidgets too much and their grades might go down. Finally, fidgets could become a problem and students could get them taken away or yelled at by teachers.
Times when fidgets are ok to use at school:
Guided study or work time
Lunch table
Times when fidgets are OK to use at home:
1. Anytime
2. Except when doing homework
If you agree with us, talk to your teacher about changing this. For any more ideas for banning or making changes in our school email
Fight for Fidgets
By Ellie, Juni, and, Loie
Do you think that fidgets should be allowed in school? We do. When our teacher, Mrs. Purgill, took our fidgets away, we decided to take a stand and fight for fidget rights in our school.
For some people, like us, fidgets help them focus better in class than without fidgets. They can be stress relieving and calm kids down when they are upset. In our first and second grade class we had a fidget box where if we were upset we could play with the fidgets until we felt better. We don’t have that now, which is sad, but instead of that we should be able to bring our own fidgets to school if they help us focus and learn better, but not if they distract us. These fidgets help us, and if our teacher tries to take them away AND some other group is trying to ban them, we won’t let them.
Do you think fidgets should be allowed in school? We hope after you read this article you will agree with us and help fight for fidget rights in our school!