Shorewood School District
Atwater Elementary School (K4 - 6th grade)
Lake Bluff Elementary School (K4 - 6th grade)
Shorewood Intermediate School (7-8)
Shorewood High School (9th - 12th grade)
ML Special Events
Tuesday, October 1 Potluck
Wednesday, February 12 Cultural Connections
Thursday, May 8 Games and Snacks
Most events are 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
We will send more information before each event!
Shorewood School District's Multilingual Learner Program
100+ ML students in our four schools
35 different languages spoken
33 various countries students immigrated from
In-class content and language support
Intensive English support for new students
Family engagement and support
Interpretation and translation for families
Community connections fostered
Who are Multilingual Learners?
Multilingual learners are learners that have interacted with another language or languages and English. In the Shorewood School District, we believe that multilingual learners and their families enrich our classrooms and communities.
ML Program Staff in the Shorewood School District (SSD)
Coordinator for SSD Multilingual Learner Program:
Mrs. Roxanne Tibbits, 414-963-6900 ext: 5212 or
Mrs. Lena Lysakova: ML Teacher grades K4-3rd,
Mrs. Roxanne Tibbits: ML Coordinator and ML Teacher grades 3/4th-6th,
Lake Bluff
Ms. Katie Tiegs, ML Teacher K4-6,
Shorewood Intermediate School
Ms. Meredith Mitchell, ML Teacher,
Mr. Jasper Brown, Language and Literacy Specialist,
Shorewood High School
Mrs. Amanda Krueger, ML Teacher,
Multilingual Staff
Mrs. Lena Lysakova, Russian and English
Ms. Katie Tiegs, English and Spanish
SSD Director of Teaching and Learning
Mike Joynt,