Week 4
Use the writing prompt below as a stimulus (or write any narrative story of your own choice)
Please proofread your writing to ensure that you have included:
-A clear beginning, middle and resolution
-Correct use of sentence structure
-Appropriate paragraphs
-Correct use of capital letters
-Correct punctuation
-Writing that makes sense
-You have used lots of descriptive language
Activity 1.
Activity 1.
Use the following website to practise your times tables.
Activity 2.
Activity 2.
The answer is 6.
What could the question be?
Jot down as many questions as you could think of that would give the answer of 6.
Here are some examples to get you started:
24 - 18 = 6
2 groups of 3 is 6
If I shared 36 lollies amongst 6 people, each person would have 6 lollies.