Spring Hill ISD


Dear Parents,

To help serve students in the Section 504 program, the campus coordinators would like to insure you have the information needed to support your student academically during in-home learning. Parents received a copy of their student's 504 plan from the campus coordinator during the school year. Parents may continue accommodations in the 504 plan to insure student progress and success while completing assignments at home.

Please see the examples of instructional accommodations included on this page.

Please do not hesitate to contact your student's campus coordinator or teacher(s) with any questions.


SH Campus 504 Coordinators

Amy Doron

Spring Hill Primary
504 Coordinator

Andrea Jones

Spring Hill Intermediate
504 Coordinator

Mandy Jameson

Spring Hill Junior High
504 Coordinator

Paige Childers

Spring Hill High School
9th & 11th Grade 504 Coordinator

Allison Williamson

Spring Hill High School
10th & 12th Grade 504 Coordinator

Section 504 Accommodations


  • Extra time to complete assignments

  • Oral administration (read aloud) questions and answer choices

  • Proximity seating close to teacher or away from distractions

  • Freedom to move as needed

  • Shortened assignments

  • Frequent reminders to stay on task

  • Frequent praise or encouragement

Accommodation Tips

Extra time: Let your child have breaks and time as needed to complete assignments. As teachers we judge the amount of time needed between breaks by the quality of work students produce. A good starting place is one minute per year of their age. So a 5 year old may work well for 5 minutes (or less) and then need a break, whereas an 8 year old may be able to work 8-10 minutes before needing a break.

Oral Administration: In some instances you may need to read parts of assignments aloud to your child. One example is to allow the child to read the passage out-loud first, and then you read it to them. You may also read questions and answer choices for assignments/tests. Allow your student to read assignments/tests independently as much as possible.

Shortened Assignments: This accommodation refers to shortening the number of questions or problems in an assignment. One example is to cut the number of questions in half. If your student can complete more, please encourage them to do so!

There are a variety of Section 504 accommodations to address specific impairments as discussed with you by the campus committee. If you have questions regarding accommodations, please contact your student's teacher(s) or the campus 504 coordinator.