Photography Inspiration

On this page you will find presentations, websites and youtube channels which may give you inspiration for all different kinds of photography.

Photographers Bank

Photography Ideas Bank

Artist/Photographer Resource Bank

Artist / Photographers

The community for passionate photographers

Join over 15 million photographers from 195 countries to discover and share incredible photos, gain global exposure, and get paid for your work and skills.

COOPH is a photography apparel manufacturer and community-focused online mag that recognizes and supports people passionate about photography.

From studio portraits to epic alpine landscapes, browse the best photography, retouching and photojournalism today

Unlimited inspiration. Unlimited passion.

Joining Flickr means joining the world’s largest, most influential group of photographers. It means honing your craft, finding community, and changing the world through photography.

Create a Home

for Your Stories

Exposure is a modern publishing platform for photographers and visual storytellers. It’s the simple way to create and share your unique photo stories.


The internet’s source of freely usable images.

Powered by creators everywhere.

We are passionate photographers specialising in macro. We created the Adaptalux Studio, the best lighting solution for creative macro photography. On youtube, we share macro photography tutorials, ideas and inspiration as well as tip & tricks for using the Adaptalux Studio to light your images and videos in amazing new ways.

My name is Stewart Wood and I’m a macro photographer who invites you to follow my journey into macro photography, as I learn new techniques so do you!

Don Komarechka is a nature, macro and landscape photographer located in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. From auroras to pollen, insects to infrared, much of Don’s photographic adventures reveal a deeper understanding of how the universe works. Exploring the world that we cannot see with our own eyes has been a common thread in Don’s career as a professional photographer.

workphlo is an educational photography channel, giving viewers insight to "workphlo" of photographer Dustin Dolby, as he produces high-end images with minimal equipment.

Channel of Godox Photo Equipment. Videos of how to light different situations and compositions.

Improve Photography is one of the largest photography communities on the web with over 1 million followers on social media. Many of the videos on the channel are on-location clips as Jim Harmer and the other hosts of the Improve Photography podcasts travel the world to meet up and shoot with readers of Improve Photography.