About Vested

A platform supporting young people to lead change. 

In our pilot project - in partnership with Trust for London - Vested has brought together a group of young adults to decide how to invest up to £300,000 in employment opportunities in London. 

We'll be working together with the panel, young people, community organisations and funders to shape what comes next. 

About the pilot.

The Vested panel is a group of six young adults (18-25) from across London. All have experienced unemployment for at least four months and all have faced barriers to good work. Some are now running their own businesses or are in work, some are still unemployed. Some have degrees, some don't. For most, it's their first experience on a panel like this. None have previous experience of social investment.

Left to to right: Angelique, Aklima, Akriti, Kevin, Great, Ali

More about the name. 

We think of “vested interests” as the people with money - who are often working behind closed doors - making decisions that benefit themselves. But what if we changed who helped decide where money goes? We've come to the name Vested because it means giving control over something (i.e. where money goes) to the people who have experience of the problem (ie. who really understand what it’s like) and have a "vested" interest in doing something about it. 

About us.

This pilot is led by Shift and Trust for London, with funding from the Connect Fund. 

Shift is social innovation charity who help people disadvantaged by today’s social problems to shape the services and changes they want to see in the world.  Shift are facilitating the sessions for our panel.

Trust for London is one of London's largest funders. They have been working to build a fairer city since 1891, investing in organisations making a social impact. They are sharing their investment expertise with the panel and providing up to £300,000 of investment funding.

The Connect Fund has funded this project. It exists to help the social investment sector in England better meet the needs of charities and social enterprises. 

Get in touch.

If you have any questions about the pilot or want to be involved in what comes next, send an email to Vested@shiftdesign.org or message 07807553647.