Supporting our students mental health

Orpheus App - Consent

At Shevington, we are always trying to find the best ways to support students in school with their mental health and well-being. We have the chance to support them to deal with a range of issues which might be affecting them (unhelpful thoughts, lack of confidence, issues of bullying, exam stress, bereavement, pressure of difficult times etc) by using a programme designed for this purpose.

We would ask you to take a look at the videos below which explain the programme. Have a look and see if you think you would like your child to have access to this. Students can tap into this help from their computer at any time.

If you would like your child to have access to the resources, simply complete this contact form, giving your permission.

Once we have this permission the link will be sent to the student. Many people, (students and adults) have found the techniques used here helpful in overcoming unhelpful thinking at difficult times.

The app useage is completely anonymous and there is no record of which modules young people have accessed.

Children must have permission by a parent or legal guardian, and anyone with a diagnosed or suspected medical condition such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, epilepsy or something else connected to the brain and central nervous system, should seek medical advice before use.

Peter - Young Peoples Module Video for Parents (

Parent Summary

Peter Owen creator of Orpheus Mind Technologies provides an overview of the platform.

How the app works

An explainer video of how students can use the app

The school has purchased the app as a support for our students health and wellbeing. The app is available commercially and for further information visit -