Get to Know Mrs. Kippen

Hello Third Grade Families-

I am very excited to be your child's third grade teacher this year! This is my fourth year at SCS. I have taught almost every elementary grade during my teaching career, but love third grade the most. It's a special privilege to guide students into the upper elementary grades while still getting to enjoy their genuine wonder for learning.

I grew up in San Diego, California with my younger brother and sister. I played basketball and volleyball throughout high school and spent lots of time in the ocean and camping with my family and friends. Living 10 minutes from the beach is the one thing I miss most about California! 

I have Bachelor degrees in Early Childhood and Elementary Education from Utah State University. In 2021 I received my Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in STEAM. My passion for engineering and Lego robotics is something I hope to share with the upper elementary grades. 

My husband and I live in the Beaverton area with our two cats, Nova and Jasper. They like to help judge the classroom activities when I'm planning from home. Outside the classroom I love to bake, go paddle boarding, and try new foods with my friends and family. Most weekends you will find me at a bookstore looking for new books to add to our classroom library!