Fine Motor Skills

Fine Motor Skills are the foundation children need before they can learn to write, develop a proper pencil grasp, and have control of classroom tools such as crayons, pencils and scissors.

Fine Motor Warm Up Video:

Fine Motor Activity Ideas

  • Write a letter to a pen pal, write a story about your favorite character, make letters out of playdough, make your own comic book

  • Remember to encourage formation of letters from the top down. You can highlight the bottom line to encourage proper line placement. Use language such as “finger spaces” to encourage appropriate spaces

  • Your child can write and draw in a variety of positions to encourage upper extremity strengthening and improve their grasp:

    • Tape their paper to the wall and have them work in tall kneel (on their knees) or have them work while laying on their stomach

Fine Motor Strengthening Activities

  • Use tweezers or chopsticks to pick up small objects

  • Play games with clothespins

  • Use squirt bottles to help clean or play games

  • Use hand held hole punchers during art projects

  • Cut up old magazines to make a collage

  • Play with modeling clay or playdough (can use scissors to cut it, etc)

  • Participate in fun baking activities such as rolling out dough, make cookies using cookie cutters, stir batter in a bowl, spread icing/decorate cookies, and squeezing the juice from lemons/limes/oranges

More Fine Motor Resources:

To open the packets below, click on the arrow in the corner to open a new tab:

Pencil Control Packet.pdf
Scissor Practice.pdf
Writing Packet.pdf
Fine Motor Activity Packet.pdf
Fine Motor Game Boards.pdf
Play Dough Mats.pdf
psm_Flower Q-Tip Art.pdf
Alphabet Q-Tip Painting.pdf