Parent Resources

If you have a crisis situation, you may contact the Crisis Clinic at 360-586-2500 or visit their website at

Different Ways To Ask Your Kids, "How Was Your Day?"

When you ask your kids how their day was, do you always get the same answer of, "fine," or "good?" It can feel like pulling teeth to get the details! Here are some different ways to ask about their day:

Tell me something that made you laugh.
What was the best thing that happened?
Did you do something kind for someone?
What was the hardest part of your day?
Who did you sit next to at lunch?

Need Resources? - Vulnerability Survey

Shelton School District may be able to help you obtain essential items, food, or extra resources. If you need assistance or resources, please fill out this survey so that one of our family liaisons can be in contact with you, if you qualify.

Please follow this link:

Crossroads Housing may be able to help you with housing challenges. Click on the blue button below to visit their website for more details.