English/ Language Arts

Welcome to my Google Site. I hope that it will be a useful tool for both, students and parents. Throughout the school year, information and updates regarding weekly classroom activities and assignments, my contact information, and the school calendar can be found here. I am looking forward to a GREAT 2020-2021 school year!

Contact Information

Email: blawson@shelbyed.org

Mrs. Lawson's Schoology

Calera Middle School office: 205-682-6140

Grade: 6th

Subject: English/Language Arts

CaMS Village: Capability

CaMS Team: Blue


Bring all school supplies to class

Syllbus Scavenger Hunt (use your Syllabus to help you)--this will be your FIRST grade in INow

Finish IXL diagnostic (if able)

Complete all assignments on Schoology (make sure you look in the correct folder: Monday/Tuesday kids: ORANGE; Thursday/Friday kids: GREEN