
Frequently Asked Questions

What if a student refuses to wear a mask when it is expected?

Because this is a health issue concerning the safety of others, students not adhering to the expectations set forth by the school will not be allowed to attend SCPS@School. We will work with each student to determine the reason, provide a mask to those who need one and work with those who have medical exemptions but we must follow the safety expectations in order to prevent students and staff from being isolated or schools from being closed should there be positive cases of COVID-19.

Do families need to prepare for school closures?

Based on guidance from the Kentucky Department of Education, families should prepare for intermittent school closures or periods of Non-Traditional Instruction throughout the school year. Please plan accordingly to have childcare arrangements for your child should these closures occur.

Links for Guidelines

Will my student be able to transfer between @Home and @School during the Fall semester?

Once you have confirmed your commitment with your school before August 26th, we ask that you hold firm to an 18 week commitment. If there are health issues considerations will be made on an individual basis. However, because of safety concerns and planning for personnel, SCPS requires an 18 week commitment for learning in Fall of 2020.

Where will my child eat lunch at school?

Breakfast and lunch will be available daily. At this time these details are being worked out at each school. This determination will be made based on the number of students who plan to attend SCPS@School.

Will there be extracurricular activities?

Athletics and extracurricular activities will be available. Operation of the activity will be governed with safety expectations in place. Those expectations will be communicated by the school and leadership based on the activity.

How will transitions from class to class occur? Will students be allowed to congregate in common areas?

After the preliminary survey is complete, principals will call families to confirm their choice for the Fall of 2020. When each school knows the total number of students registered and the number of staff needed, we can plan a school day schedule and consult the guidelines to consider our options. Currently, congregation in common areas will not be allowed as set forth in the safety guidelines.

Is there a hybrid model available for students?

Currently, there is no "hybrid" option for Shelby County families. The feedback we received regarding that model included difficulty in child care for our families.

What will the requirements be for a student to return to school if sent home with a fever?

A student who has a temperature of 100 degrees or greater must be picked up by the parent or parent approved (in writing) adult. The student will not be allowed to ride the bus home. The Center for Disease Control and the state guidelines say that a student or staff member should be 72 hours fever and symptom free without medications before returning to school or work. If the student or staff member sees a doctor then the doctor can give them a return date. We have to remember that other illnesses can cause a fever and the doctor can determine if the child may return to school sooner than that 72 hour period. If it is determined that the students needs to have a COVID test then they should be in isolation at home until that test result comes back. The result of the COVID-19 test will guide the necessity for further need for the student to be absent. SCPS will work with students to provide school work during times of absences to prevent them from falling behind. Communication with the school/school nurse will be key during times of illness and absences.

Will there be a designated nurse in each school?

Currently, we have a few schools that share nursing staff. We are working on this and hope to have a nurse at each school full time. Each school will have the ability to reach a nurse should they have any issues or if a student has an urgent need arise.

What happens if my child has a medical condition that prevents them from wearing a mask? Will any exceptions be made? If so, what is that process?

Parents must provide a note from a doctor, if their child has a medical condition which prevents them from wearing a mask. For those who cannot wear a mask we will offer a face shield for their protection and the protection of others.

Will I be notified if someone tests positive for COVID-19?

All postive COVID-19 cases are mandated to be reported to our local health department. The contact tracers from our health department will evaluate the school setting and determine if and who may be at risk based on exposure if someone within the schools tests positive for COVID-19. Parents will be notified if their child is at risk if the contact tracer from the local health department deems that is necessary. The Health Department is responsible for contacting families. Due to HIPPA regulations you will not be notified who tested positive. SCPS is responsible for continuing the child's education. SCPS must follow HIPPA regulations and cannot share any information regarding positive cases. It is our goal that by following the regulations of social distancing, wearing a mask and increased hand sanitation that we can significantly reduce the necessity for others to be isolated when there is a positive case of COVID-19. This is why it is so important for everyone to support these measures as we return to school.

Will my child be in the same room all day?

After the preliminary survey is complete, principals will call families to confirm their choice for the Fall of 2020. When each school knows the total number of students registered and the number of staff needed, we can plan a school day schedule and consult the guidelines to consider our options.

Will After-School Care and Daycare be available for my child?

SCPS is currently investigating different scenarios based on local, state and federal health guidelines. As soon as we know if this is a possibility, we will notify families.