Climate Change Education Collaborative

With the issue of climate change at the forefront of our collective consciousness it is among the most pressing and important work we can do.

We already do so much to educate, inform, and inspire action but it can be difficult to take the time to explore the ‘big picture’, work with others, or examine how we can grow and improve in our efforts.

In our field it is important for us to take these moments to come together to enhance our work, continue to make the issue relevant to our local audiences, and grow our professional network.

Starting in 2018, we gathered as a community of educators representing 21 organizations in the northeast states that provide climate change education.

Today we represent over 80 non profits; higher education; and local, state, and federal government agencies.

Together we identified our collaborative goals for climate change education, prioritized our collective work, and designed a sustaining structure for virtual and in-person engagement.

We have organized ourselves into themed working groups to take action and make systems levels change.

Learn more about our goals and priorities

Learn more about who is involved