May 2021 Gathering

Recording of Gathering is available upon request.

Flipgrid Partner Introductions

Click the link and select login as guest, the password is CCEC2021

This collection of video introductions is a wonderful way to get to know who is participating in the collaborative. If you have not added a video yet, feel free to do so, we would love to hear from you!

May 2021 Virtual Gathering Slides

Here are the slides from the gathering if you would like to review them. If you missed the gathering and would like any explanation please feel free to reach out and we’d be happy to talk with you.

Updated Padlet: Map of Working Groups

This Padlet displays a visual map of our current structure, working groups that have completed the form and current working group members.

Working Groups Brainstorm Jamboard

Everyone is invited to join a working group, which is where the action and impact really happen in this collaborative.

Wise words from Olivia Griset to help guide the meaningful formation of working groups:

“I think a really important guiding question we have been leaning on in the networks I work with is: What is the big work that none of us can do on our own no matter how large we are…that might help us focus a regional collaborative on what scale of work we should engage in collectively”

There was also the suggestion to map the landscape of climate change education in our region to assess strengths, saturation, and gaps in the work. Things to consider as our working groups take shape, we should focus on the advantage of this collaborative and ask ourselves- where are our combined efforts needed and what can we not accomplish alone?

The working groups that formed include Youth Climate Action; Middle/High Climate Education; Professional Learning; Early Childhood Education, STC Community of Practice; and Climate Justice. If you like to join a working group, reach out to Simon with your preference, and he’ll help connect you to the group.

Working Group Form

If working groups complete this form to inform us of their intents then we will have a record and shared understanding of the Collaborative’s priorities and efforts.

Staying in Touch...

Climate Change Education Collaborative Slack

We have been using Slack for the past few years as a platform for all collaborative members to post, interact and share updates and resources.