Online Module Choice

Online Module Choice

Online Module Choice will open on Tuesday 3rd May 2022 and close on Friday 20th May. During this period you will be required to select the modules you intend to take next year. This is the first stage of the online registration process, and must be completed before you are able to fully register for next year.

How many modules do you need to choose?

Some of your modules are 'core' and therefore will already be on your record. Core modules cannot be changed. Other modules are 'optional', and can be chosen from an approved list. Some programmes may also allow you to choose a 'Languages For All' module.

All Undergraduate students need to have 120 credits of modules on their record before they can register for next year. Management School modules at Level 2 and 3 are usually worth 20 credits. So if you have 3 core modules next year for example, you will be required to choose 3 more 'optional' modules during the Module Choice period.

In order to have an 'optional' module choice accepted, the module must be approved for your programme as per the programme regulations and you must also meet any required prerequisites for the module. Please see the 'Regulations and Credits' page for more information.

Top Tip!

The University's online Module Choice system will show you every single module offered at the University. This does not mean you can take any module! Your choices should be made based on your programme regulations, so don't get caught out and miss out on suitable places.

How to Complete Online Module Choice

Once you are happy with your choices and have checked they are suitable, you need to formally register your selected modules by using the university’s Online Module Choice system and follow the instructions on screen. You can also access the system by logging into your MUSE account, clicking on ‘My services’, selecting ‘Module Choice Approval’ from the list of options. This system will be available from Tuesday 4th May until Friday 20th May.

If you have any problems using the University's Module Choice system, please view these FAQs.

Once you submit your choices they are then sent to the Student Experience Office for approval. All requests are checked for suitability and to ensure that prerequisites are met. If you have chosen a module that is not permitted on your programme or you do not meet the prerequisites for, your request will be rejected and you will be notified of this by email. It is important therefore to check your emails on a regular basis during the module choice period.

Following online approval, your record will be updated within 48 hours. You should check your record via MUSE to make sure everything is correct - it is your responsibility to ensure that your modules are correctly recorded and to flag any inconsistencies immediately by contacting the Student Experience Office (


If you fail to select appropriate module choices by the closing date there could be implications at a later date for your module choices and other aspects of registration and you could also incur a late registration fee.