
Registration for the conference is now open. Please note that the fee covers all food and drinks (lunch and tea and coffee and snacks morning and afternoon) on both days as well as necessary administrative costs. Please make sure that you let us know of any dietary requirements when completing your order in the online store as we will not be able to process any separate requests. The full fee is £ 60 (waged) and £ 35 (unwaged).

Please note that dinner is not included but a list of options will be provided at the conference for participants to make informal arrangements.

When you arrive in Sheffield


There are a lot of options for accommodation in Sheffield, with a wide price range. The University of Sheffield has compiled a list of hotels and guest houses that it uses (!/file/Hotels.pdf).

Campus map

A campus map is available here!/file/campus-map.pdf

The Humanities Research Institute (34 Gell Street, S3 7QY, is number 196 in F3 on the grid.