
The Objectives of the Symposium:

The aim of this symposium is to bring together academics, practitioners, as well as couples and individuals living with dementia who have a shared interest in how arts participation might be facilitated to better support couples living with dementia. The primary goal is to support a shift in research focus; from investigating the behaviours of individuals living with dementia outside of their everyday context, to supporting them in their interactions and relationships with significant others. 

We also hope that this will be a great chance for people from different backgrounds to come together, meet each other, and share their perspectives. We hope that everyone will feel welcome to attend. 

We aim for this symposium to be an opportunity to foster cross-disciplinary collaborations promoting relational perspectives on arts participation and dementia care, while also improving how research connects with communities and community partners. These developments are intended to benefit how couples living with dementia integrate the arts into their ways of communicating and connecting with one another in their daily lives.

The symposium consists of talks, a roundtable discussion and a workshop. Saturday will be particularly aimed towards the general public.  

Organising committee and contact details:

Justin Christensen (Chair) contact: j.christensen@sheffield.ac.uk

Landon Peck (Secretary) contact: l.s.peck@sheffield.ac.uk

Jennifer MacRitchie (Advisory board and co-organiser)

Renee Timmers (Advisory board and co-organiser)