Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion Criteria

  1. Women presenting with moderate or severe OHSS

  2. Patients able and willing to attend follow-up appointments and who are able to undertake self-monitoring at home

Exclusion Criteria

1. OHSS-related exclusion criteria:

a. Significant pain or vomiting requiring hospitalisation;

b. Pulmonary embolism;

c. When in the judgment of the clinician, the patient’s condition is severe enough to warrant admission to a High Dependency Care Unit (such as Critical OHSS as defined in the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) green-top guidelines) and therefore not suitable for outpatient management.

2. Non-OHSS related medical conditions: A concurrent medical condition requiring immediate inpatient management.

3. Patients who have been previously randomised but later present with moderate or severe OHSS symptoms in subsequent cycles after their initial trial involvement

4. Participation in other trials involving ovarian stimulation or ovarian response