Our Research

We research how language and cognition develop over childhood and how these skills support school readiness, mathematical skills and literacy. We run experimental, longitudinal, cross sectional and randomised control trial studies to examine the mechanisms underpinning cognitive changes in development.

Where we can, we aim to find out how development can be best supported. Please see the resources page for links to further advice and information for parents and educators, based on our research.

Our research covers these three areas:

Language and Communication

  • How children learn to talk

  • Pragmatic development

  • Language development and deafness

  • Socioeconomic status and language development

Executive Functions and Memory

  • How executive functions, including working memory, inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility develop in early childhood

  • Understanding executive function development in the toddler years using new methods

  • Why we see individual differences in executive functions

Learning and School Readiness

  • Understanding the cognitive skills which underpin school readiness

  • How to best support literacy and early mathematical development

  • Mechanisms underpinning attainment gaps

Research papers

Our research publications can be found on our individual University staff webpages. Please see the links on the meet the team section of our website.


We are very grateful to the several funding bodies that have made our research possible.