
With special thanks to the community participants who shared their stories and memories to help us to develop this exhibition.

"I love the people in this area, they are beautiful, and my favourite memory. They are so kind, we are like a family here." -- consultation participant.

This exhibition was designed and produced by Lamia Sassine and Cheryl Bowen in a collaboration between the Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield and Kelham Island Museum.

Invited contributions were gratefully received from Wendy McLaren, Aisha Jones, Joanna Whittle, Simon Wigglesworth Baker, John Wilkinson and Pete McKee. Many thanks to you all for your support.

The Roots and Futures project team are: Lizzy Craig-Atkins, Nahed Arafat, Cait Scott, Lamia Sassine and Isabelle Carter (Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield); Courtenay Crichton-Turley (Ecus); David McNeil, Alison Somerset-Ward (Zest); Cheryl Bowen (Kelham Island Museum); Ben McGarry (KINCA); Natasha Bramall (Wessex Archaeology) and Jonathan Bradley and Alex Mason (Arts and Humanities Knowledge Exchange, University of Sheffield).

This exhibition was funded by a Public Engagement Development Fund grant awarded by Partnerships and Regional Engagement at the University of Sheffield (2021) and preparatory work as part of the Roots and Futures Project by grants from the Higher Education Innovation Fund (2020 and 2021) and National Productivity Investment Fund (2021).

Roots and Futures logo
University of Sheffield logo
Kelham Island Museum logo
Zest logo
KINCA logo
Ecus logo