News 2022

13.12.2022  Poster presentation at AGU Fall meeting, Chicago, USA: "Numerical modelling of MHD waves excitation by photospheric vortex motions", Ruzheiikov et al.,  SH22G-2064 

12.12.2022  Poster presentation at AGU Fall meeting, Chicago, USA: "Energy transport and vorticity in photospheric vortex tubes", Silva et al.,  SH12D-1478 

12-16.12.2022  Viktor Fedun and Max McMurdo participated in AGU Fall meeting, Chicago, USA

28.11-08.12.2022  Viktor Fedun  visited ISEE, Nagoya, Japan

25.10.2022  Partial solar eclipse in Sheffield, taken by  Viktor Fedun.

12.10.2022  The Astrophysical paper, “Comparison of exact and approximate MHD slow body mode solutions in photospheric waveguides”,  Anwar A. Aldhafeeri, Gary Verth, Viktor Fedun, Matthew Lennard, and Istvan Ballai has been published.

30.09.2022  Mr Jack Gillam  joined PDG as a PhD student.

30.09.2022  Ms Jawaher Homoud Alshehri  joined PDG as a PhD student.

30.09.2022  Mr Adel Sulaiman H Alanezy joined PDG as a PhD student.

20-24.09.2022  Met with the Ukrainian Team under the Royal Society research collaboration grant, Krakow, Poland.

19-23.09.2022  Dr Suzana Silva participated in the joint Hinode-15 / IRIS-12 meeting, Prague, Czech Republic and delivered an invited talk  "Formation of vortex tubes".

09.09.2022  The Astrophysical paper, “Comparison of exact and approximate MHD slow body mode solutions in photospheric waveguides”,  Anwar A. Aldhafeeri, Gary Verth, Viktor Fedun, Matthew Lennard, and Istvan Ballai accepted for publication.

07.09.2022 Succesful launch of SunbYte IV under Hemera (Horizon 2020) with great support of Swedish Space Corporation (SSC), Esrange Sweden. 

The link to the launch Livestream video.

06.09.2022 Congratulations to Dr Suzana Silva and Mr Matthew Lennard (PDG)  - the new members of the UKSP Council !

25.08.2022 PDG seminar, Dr Rodrigo Miranda,  University of Brasilia, Brazil. Talk: "Complexity of intermittent magnetic field turbulence within reconnection exhausts in the solar wind at 1 AU"

24.08.2022 Dr Suzana Silva, PDG, presented an online talk for Brazillian colleagues (Sao Paulo)

21.08.2022 Our excellent PhD student, Mr Matthew Lennard presented a public talk at Sungazing event, Sheffield, UK.  

01.08.2022 PDG members Viktor Fedun, Gary Verth, Istvan Ballai, Suzana Silva and Greece collaborator Kostas Tziotziou  have been awarded The Royal Society grant "Solar vortex tubes and their role in driving atmospheric"

01.05.2022 Dr Sergey Ruzheinikov started his second PhD journey in our group.