I work in the philosophy department at the University of Sheffield.  Here is my university webpage

For the first half of 2023 I am also Senior Visiting Fellow at the University of Glasgow, as part of the Cogito Research Group.

I've been at Sheffield for an age. but before I was here I did my PhD at UCL under the supervision of Mike Martin, and before that a BA(Hons) degree at Cambridge in Social Anthropology.  I also did a PG Diploma in Computer Science at Cambridge (just before the dot.com bubble burst).

Outside of philosophy my interests are very ordinary: reading novels, watching box sets with my wife Claire, and playing video games with my teenage boys. I also do a fair bit of running and cycling, where both get me out into the weather and hills around Sheffield (and racing on Zwift where I don't leave my cellar!) 

This webpage then provides downloads of most of my papers. 

(The photo is taken looking down over Cuckmere Haven, near my home town of Brighton.)