Research Practice

The University Research Practice Lead supports engagement with ideas, processes and platforms which help research be more reliable, robust, rigorous and transparent. They are also the institutional contact with the UKRN

The current Research Practice Lead is Tom Stafford, Professor of Cognitive Science in the School of Psychology.

Research Practice Events (2024)

23 April: Preparing for the UKRI Metascience call - discussion

UKRI is due to announce a call for metascience research grants:

"The Metascience Grants Programme will support projects using scientific methods to deepen our understanding of how different structures, incentives, and funding practices within the Research and Development (R&D) system shape scientific research outputs and career outcomes. Projects must have potential to inform science policy, R&D funding practices, or practice within research-performing organisations."

The first call is expected to be worth £3 million and is part of a larger investment in Metascience, which included the establishment of the first government Metascience Unit, as part of DSIT.

This discussion is for researchers who are interested to apply, as well as those who just want to find out more about what metascience actually is. There will be a chance to hear from TUOS researchers who attended a UKRI roundtable to inform the call, to share ideas and to discuss exactly what kind of topic and project are in scope.

23rd April., 1500 - 1630, in person only ICOSS, room A16

Sign-up via this form

23 May: TUOS Journal editors

A networking event on the theme of "getting the most out of being an editor". All journal editors at the University are welcome, as well as the editorially-curious who would like a chance to hear from established academics on the benefits and perils of journal editing.

23 May 2024, 1200 - 1330

In person, lunch included

Alfred Deny Conference Room, 

Register and submit questions for the panel via this form:

1200 - 1245 panel discussion:  

Your questions about the editor role answered by experienced editors from all faculties of the University


Professor Sarah Baker, School of Clinical Dentistry, Editor-in-Chief, Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology

Professor Rob Freckleton, School of Biosciences, Founding Editor in Chief, Methods in Ecology & Evolution

Professor Renee Timmers, Department of Music, Co-editor of Empirical Musicology Review; Associate editor of Psychomusicology: Music, Mind & Brain; editorial board Psychology of Music and Journal of New Music Research

Dr Michaela Rogers, Department of Sociological Studies, Co-editor of Practice: Social Work in Action

Dr Prosanta Gope, Department of Computer Science, Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, IEEE Systems Journal, and the Journal of Information Security and Applications (Elsevier).

1245 - 1330 lunch + networking

17 June: AI Replication Game

July 9th: Changing Research Culture