News and events

Maker{School} Collective - 3D art workshop with Darrell Wakelam

We ended a year of Maker{School} Collective meetings with a full day 3D art workshop. Artist, teacher and trainer Darrell Wakelam showed how to use cardboard and other simple materials to create sculptures and stunning displays that are accessible, affordable, and adaptable for every classroom.

We began the day by making 'zero waste' 3D masks from cereal box card. We then worked in small groups to construct simple cardboard and foil foundations for large colourful tissue paper papier-mâché models. 

Using Darrells techniques we were able to move very quickly from a pile of cardboard, paper and masking tape to vibrant 3D displays and we learnt how the techniques could be adapted for any theme or age group. Our last challenge of the day was to work together as a whole 'class' - creating a jigsaw dragon model in minutes!

Darrell has provided art workshops and training sessions for hundreds of different organisations over the last 30 years including many primary and secondary schools. For more information about Darrell's work and his latest book visit

The Maker{school} Collective meets 6-8 times a year and is an opportunity for teachers interested in all things 'maker' to share ideas and learn new skills. This year we've looked at pixel art, digital learning tools, woodwork and whole-school maker events. The Collective meetings are free and take place after school. Join the Collective to be the first to hear about our workshop dates and topics for 2024/25.

We look forward to seeing you!

"Darrell is an excellent presenter and because of his experience, knows exactly the barriers teachers and children may encounter, and how to overcome them. The resources used were simple, cheap and readily available. The results top quality and all levels can experience success." Alison, teacher at St Marie's School, Sheffield