
Read about members experience in Sheffield University International Women's Club.

Sylvia, Taiwan

I joined the club 9.5 years ago shortly after I moved to Sheffield with my husband. I didn’t know anyone here and going to the Club has been the highlight of my week. My children and I have made so many good friends, even though people come and go, we are friends forever, regardless of where they/we are.

Sometimes we visit one another on our holidays, which makes it even more special. I also enjoyed the various activities extended from the club: movie/DVD night, eating out, cooking club, hiking, baby/toddler group, outings, and I know other ladies particularly enjoyed our art/craft sessions and book clubs.

I love it so much that when my husband started working for another university, we did not want to move- he had to commute in the end. And since I feel that this could be as important and beneficial to others as it was for me, I became a helper and eventually took on the role of chairperson- it has proven to be tremendously rewarding.

Saima, Pakistan

I am Saima Eman from Pakistan. I joined SUIWC in 2013 as a first-year PhD student. Richard Bruce, our university accommodation mentor, informed me about the club. I attended a number of activities and loved being part of an international community. It was wonderful and an honour for me to address women from 18 countries on International Women's Day in March 2013. I loved the garden parties at Rosemary Boucher’s house.

I am now in Pakistan, trying to finish my PhD. I have also returned to work (Lecturer in Psychology at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan). My mother also liked IWC, she passed away in June 2017. My children always enjoyed the club. The visit to the Botanical Gardens was one of the best educational visits. I will never forget the good family feeling and international cohesion at this club. A peace award from me to you.

Kelly, Taiwan

I joined the club 2 years ago. I knew of this club through Karen Tsui who forwarded the information to my husband. The club gave me a lot of support during my pregnancy, such as nursing tips and second-hand goods. I also made a lot of friends and learnt about different cultures. I am really grateful to the club.

Denis, Brazil

I am from Brazil and I joined the group 1.5 years ago! Before knowing about it I was feeling pretty much isolated and the club gave me the opportunity to know people, make friends, be aware of different and important issues.

Most importantly, I was welcome at the meetings with my little daughter! I am very grateful to be part of the club! I can say that it really changed my life in Sheffield.

Nurul, Malaysia

I'm Nurul and I come from Malaysia. I joined the group a year ago. I like being a part of this group because I can meet new friends from other countries, we can share information about interesting places around Sheffield and parenting.

I also learned about other cultures and other countries. It’s been great to see all of you and get my 'me time'. Thank you so much to all of you.

Norene, US

My partner was offered a job in Sheffield in 2009 - which meant that our family relocated over the summer. It was overwhelming to move to a new country - the visas, the packing, figuring out housing and school for my then three-year-old. I was looking for help to make all those decisions from people who were on the ground and knew more about the options locally. I found the International Women's Club. It was amazing to talk to other people who also relocated from overseas and could recommend- a local place for a haircut, doctors, schools, etc.

After that initial getting settled period, the IWC became the place where I met new friends, learned new things, and could even help others who had just arrived. It was wonderful to have the support of English and Scottish women who had lived overseas and knew what it was like to be far from home. They explained local customs and helped connect us to resources in the community.

It was wonderful to meet women from all over the world and share our lives in meaningful ways. My three-year-old was a 'big kid' in the group of little babies and she was able to have so many little brothers and sisters to play with. Our family relocated again in 2013 but I have kept in touch with so many friends and look forward to our paths crossing in the future.

Suanne, Mexico

My name is Suanne, and I'm from Mexico. I arrived in Sheffield two years ago to study my master's degree, but even though I wanted to, I was not able to participate in the club due to my studies at that time. However, I liked the SUIWC Facebook page even before coming here. The club has been very useful since then.

Through the page, I found suggestions about accommodation and well-preserved second-hand things, sometimes for free. In September last year, I finished my master's and it was my husband's turn to start his master's. Thus, we could stay in Sheffield for another year. In January this year, I was finally able to attend the club sessions and some of the activities such as the cooking club and craft cafe.

I work from home full-time, so I can't be a regular at the club, but I try to go as much as possible because is a good place to relax, to learn, to share and best of all, to meet incredible people who hopefully become lifelong friends and keep in touch after my return to Mexico. Thanks to the University of Sheffield, Sylvia Chen, Rosemary Boucher and all the people who make these kinds of activities a lifechanging experience.

Suha, Iraq

I joined the group 4 years ago when I was learning English at the Octagon language centre. I really enjoyed this club because it was the perfect place to meet many ladies from different countries as well as many other Iraqi women. Honestly, it was like a big supportive family as I met and learned many good things about Sheffield.

I'm still hoping to come and see all my beautiful friends at IWC and join many interesting events. Also, this club gave me an opportunity to share my experience of interior design. I would like to say a big thank you to all the amazing ladies and all members of this club and I cant wait to see you again soon.

Unam, Canada

Hello, my name is Unam and I came to Sheffield from Canada for my husband's postdoc studies. I did not know anyone in the city or the country. My husband got to know about the club through his colleague and forwarded me the information. I felt right at home as soon as I joined the club. Everyone at the club had been extremely kind and helpful throughout. I met amazing people with whom I spent wonderful times.

It's an excellent support system for women with or without babies. Furthermore, Sylvia and the other ladies put a lot of effort into making the program interesting and educational. I did not only make life-long friends but also learnt a lot. Thank you women's club and the wonderful admin team for making Sheffield a friendly city for foreigners. I really appreciate the hard work that you are doing and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Shout out to all the wonderful women I met in the club. I miss you all.

Agnes, Canada

I joined the group about four years ago, I had my first son who at the time was a few months old and came along to one of the sessions by word of mouth. I immediately felt very welcomed and included. Everyone is very friendly and the best part about it is the diversity of people that come, everyone has an interesting story to tell! I'm always learning new things each week whether it's about culture, food, things to do in Sheffield, careers, hobbies, gardening, etc.

I feel very tied to the ladies that come and talk to and enjoy every minute of it. This group is fantastic for newbies to Sheffield coming from another city, country or anywhere around the world. Thank you to all the leaders and helpers who dedicate their time and efforts into making this group such a success!

Aalya, Nepal

I first came to know about this club through our health visitor back in 2010. My husband and I had just moved from Malaysia then and it was a big change for us. From the very first day the ladies were very welcoming and I got to meet people from different backgrounds who were also starting a new life in Sheffield or had been doing so.

During the meetings they help you become familiar with the local culture, share tips on things to do, places to go, parenting tricks and so much more. Occasionally we have guest speakers at our meetings to talk about topics of local relevance and interest. My kids and I enjoy our time at the club and would recommend it to anyone who is new in the city. Thanks to all the amazing ladies who organise the activities and make it all happen.

Tooba, Iran

I first joined SUIWC in 1992 when my husband joined the University of Sheffield as a PhD student from Iran. The club not only provided the opportunity to meet many international ladies but also helped me build my confidence in speaking English, which has led me to a career as a researcher at the University of Sheffield. I rejoined the club 23 years later during a career break as an event organiser.

I really enjoyed my time there with so many talented members and where I learned so much enjoying every minute. I believe SUIWC should be a role model for all universities in the UK and now, as I am moving to the University of Manchester, I am looking forward to using the great experiences from SUIWC in Manchester.

Bianca, the Netherlands

I joined the club in October 2008 when somebody told me about it during the English classes offered by the ELTC. A few weeks later, I found out I was pregnant and by some weird coincidence, many members were pregnant at the same time. It was great to share our experiences in an unknown country and to go through this special period together. My son and I left Sheffield in October 2011, but kept coming back for holidays.

Last year, we lived in Mexico and met two friends from the SUIWC who had moved back there. Because we missed Sheffield so much, I decided to come back to Sheffield. And then I found my flat because of the SUIWC. I am grateful to be part of this club and I am looking forward to meeting many new members this year.

Jessica, El Salvador

I still feel like part of the group even though I left Sheffield 6 years ago. I was a member of the group for about 3 years I was feeling very lonely when I moved there then someone told me about this group and I started feeling at home. I met a bunch of lovely ladies there and great friends who became like a family for me.

Thanks again for continuing to run this group as an international student in a new country it’s always nice to feel welcome and supported. I cant thank you enough and I have so many memories I would like to share. Love you all and miss you!

Medi, Germany

My first meeting in the SUIWC was in autumn 2009. I came to the club as a mother of a university member, my son. So I matched very well in my age to the ladies leading the club. All the best to all of them. The first woman I was talking to was Bianca from the Netherlands with her baby Thijs. I had the opportunity to learn English with the help of the club, the newspaper club was a very good thing. The ladies were planning so many good outings and invited such a lot of people who told us about health matters, history, art, customs of the country, and the hiking in the mountains etc etc etc. It is not possible to list all that we were taught and all the fun we had.

To bring the children with us (in my case my granddaughter was born in January 2010) to the club was also nice, and I learnt loads of information about playgrounds, play groups, places to find cheap toys and clothing for kids. I felt very much "pampered" in this club as well, thanks to Rosemary, Alice, Linda, Sheena, Emma and all the others. I had to leave in the year 2013, when I left with my family to move to the Netherlands. I am really homesick about Sheffield.