Use of insomnia medication by university students

Qualitative Interviews

Project Aims

The aim of this project is to explore experiences of university students about insomnia and the use of sleep medication. Previous research has explored university student sleep quality but little is known about the use of sleep medication by students. This stage of the project will use qualitative interviews to ask university students about their experiences of insomnia and strategies to treat this including use of medication.

What will happen if I take part?

You will participate in a single interview.

This will be either on campus or online via Google Meet (depending on your preference and also national and local COVID-19 requirements) at a time that is convenient to you.

The interview should take no more than one hour.

Contact for further information

If you would like further information at any stage, please contact the lead researcher: Menghan Wang

( or the project supervisors, Dr Richard Cooper (

and Dr Dan Green (