HELSI u3a Training dAY


Our Research Students Need Your Help!

When: 13th December 11:30 - 14:00 

Where: Firth Hall, Firth Court, University of Sheffield (see here for directions)

What: The Healthy Lifespan Institute (HELSI) at the University of Sheffield is holding a research communication training day for their research students (above) who are working on projects on various aspects of ageing and health across the lifespan. The training will focus on effective communication of research to interested non-specialists and potential beneficiaries. It will help them to better explain the importance, potential impact and key elements of their work in ways which are understandable for a lay audience

Sheffield u3a has been asked if any of its members would be willing to take part and help the students gain these vital communication skills. Volunteers will be sent a plain English summary of a student’s research in advance of the day. On the day itself the student will also give a brief talk about the research to the volunteer who will then feedback to the student any improvements they could make. The event will take place on 13th December 2023, at Firth Court, 11.30 to 14:00, and will include lunch and refreshments. During the morning, the Co-Director of the Healthy Lifespan Institute Professor Alan Walker CBE will set out the aims of the day and give some preparatory advice on giving feedback. After lunch, volunteers will then split into groups with their allocated students to listen to their talks and give advice. 

To register to volunteer, please fill out this very brief form, and you will be sent a calendar invite and more instructions closer to the date. 

You can also contact Gemma Stephens from HELSI (g.stephens@sheffield.ac.uk) or Gordon Dabinett from the Sheffield u3a Research and Shared Learning with any queries (gordondabinett@gmail.com).