
Workshop 1: 'Evidencing benefits of music-making'

16th November 2018, Icesi University, Cali, Colombia.

A meeting to share knowledge between musicians, social workers, policy makers, NGOs, musicologists, psychologists and sociologists involved in community music and education in Colombia. Includes methods-training for evaluating the social impacts of music-making.

19th June 2019, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City.

A virtual presentation, given at the conference 'Families and music: An interdisciplinary perspective on fostering family bonding'.

Workshop 2: 'Understanding social impacts of arts and sports'

July 2019, Fundación Universitaria Juan N. Corpas, Bogotá, Colombia.

An international comparative meeting of social impacts of arts and sports. We intend this to be immediately before the 4th SIMM-posium (Social Impact of Making Music conference) to enable people to attend both. The workshop examines the current evidence base for social impacts of arts and sports, evaluation methods, identification of needs, skills gaps and future research focus.