FirstGen Sheffield

What Success Means to Me

Is success about how much money you earn? About getting the best grades? Or getting an extra hour of sleep? We want to reflect on what messages we receive about success and move to definitions that are more in line with our own values. 

We would love to hear what you think success means to you! Join us on our LinkedIn Group or email us your thoughts:

Success beyond Salaries

By Edd Poole

It’s easy to assume that ‘success’ in your career is about your salary, rapid promotion, being on a graduate scheme, and an impressive job title.  Indeed, for graduates, these are often used by family, peers, and others as a measure of whether university is ‘worth it’.  It’s hard to break away from this, and if you’re from a background that is under-represented at university, it can be especially so.  

However, these measures miss crucial aspects that I would argue are far more important:

Of course, salary is important - a guy’s gotta eat, after all - but for me, all of the above are essential considerations. 

What's Next?

By Piyali Misquitta

Scenery from a hilltop with green fields and clouds in the sky

When I was an undergraduate, I thought I would be successful if I could get into a Master’s programme and support myself financially. Once I did both, life carried on, and the goal posts shifted. I soon realised there was no natural end point where I got a trophy or certificate proving I was, in fact, successful.

So what is success? Whatever I want it to be, I guess. 

Two questions helped me redefine what success means to me. The first question I ask myself is: Does this goal fit in with my values? This stops me from falling into the trap of comparing myself to others and running after goals that do not serve me. 

The second question is: What can I do every day that is in line with this broader goal? This forces me to view success as a process, rather than a destination.

These questions help me choose goals that are meaningful to me. They also serve as a reminder that there is no one decision or event in my life that will make me successful. Once you summit a mountain, there will always be another one waiting for you. The best you can do is to choose the mountains you enjoy climbing!