Student Wellbeing Service

Meet your Wellbeing Advisors

Hi Everyone,

We wanted to write a short message to introduce ourselves. Our names are Ben & Cat. We’re from the Student Wellbeing Service & we’re the Student Wellbeing Advisers working in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities. Here’s a bit of information about us and our experience:

Ben Webster

Ben has an undergraduate degree in Education, Psychology and Counselling and has experience of working in the third sector; including working in disability, housing and supporting individuals with their mental health on a one-to-one basis. Ben’s therapeutic work is informed by a relational approach and he draws on a range of therapeutic interventions to enable individuals to develop self-awareness, foster autonomy and make positive changes to their lives.

Cat Atkinson

Cat has a BSc in Psychology and has experience of working in a range of NHS mental health services in Sheffield, working with individuals across life stages and with varying difficulties, most recently specialising in supporting those with eating disorders. Cat’s therapeutic stance is one based on understanding, curiosity and compassion. Cat feels passionately about working collaboratively with individuals to empower, support and improve their wellbeing during their student journey.

What is the Student Wellbeing Service and how can we support you?

How to book an appointment

You can make an appointment with one of us that’s convenient to you here

Further support

The website also provides other support in the form of our service blog which is updated regularly and includes recommended resources, books and apps that you can access at any time.

If you’ve got any general enquiries about our service, you can contact us by email - - and one of us will get back to you as soon as we can. 

Guidance and support for student wellbeing:

The wellbeing team created a video to support students during the pandemic. You may still find a lot of the content helpful as a current student.

Wellbeing Service ‘Walk and Talk’

What is the 'Walk and Talk' Wellbeing Service? 

We, at the Wellbeing Service believe that self-care is fundamental to wellbeing and getting out into nature can be a great form of self-care. If you are feeling isolated or struggling to engage with your surroundings, why not take your wellbeing session outdoors and benefit from our support with the additional benefits of being out in nature. Your wellbeing advisor will remain in their own space and can work with you via telephone or Google Meets video call if your handset supports it.

Our approach is informed by the 5 ways to wellbeing which promotes the importance of activity, connection and taking notice, all of which you are able to do in a ‘Walk and Talk’ wellbeing appointment. Give our walk and talk service a try and combine being active with a wellbeing session and see what benefits this brings you. 

Please note that if you are currently self-isolating we are unable to offer you this service, please book a remote wellbeing appointment as usual. 

What are the potential benefits?

How does it work?

You can book an appointment with your Wellbeing Advisor in the usual way by following the link to your faculty wellbeing advisor. Choose a time that is appropriate to you and have a think about where you could go for a walk, the type of space you wish to be in, whether that be a woodland area, a park, or even a bench with your favourite view.  There are loads of green spaces in Sheffield so you can find what works best for you. Remember to let us know on your Wellbeing Self-assessment that you would like a ‘Walk & Talk’ appointment and ensure that you are prepared for the British elements, the weather can be quite unpredictable! 

We look forward to hearing from you and hope you are able to take advantage of what our ‘Walk and Talk’ sessions can offer.