Co-producing ethics

Our research team worked together to co-produce our research application which was successfully funded by the ESRC in late 2021. Before starting our research and fieldwork we had address our research ethics: which included writing an ethics application to carry out research in two NHS services (known as IRAS).

In early 2022, the University of Sheffield social science researchers of the Humanising Healthcare team won some Research England Funding to Co-produce Ethics with our advocacy-based organisation research partners (which include experienced researchers with learning disabilities including some who also have autism). We worked together between March and August 2022.

Our Project logo - a healthcare professional with a big heart

Our Project logo - a healthcare professional with a big heart


We co-produced our ethics by working together on four Online Co-production Workshops held on Zoom (though other web conferencing platforms are available). Workshops lasted for two hours and we focused on four themes:
1. Introductions
2. Explaining consent
3. Understanding research
4. Explaining research methods

Our Easy Read Participatory Ethics Good Practice Guidelines document is available to download here:

Participatory Ethics - Good Practice Guidelines August 31st 2022

Our key Guiding Principles for co-producing ethics are:

We hope that these guidelines will be used by 

Accessible information sheets and consent form

In order for researchers with learning disabilities to participate in this project we shared the following accessible information sheet and consent form:

.Participatory Ethics Project Consent form
.Participatory Ethics Project Easy Read Information Sheet