
Here you'll find a list of publications and links to where you can access them. In addition to my sole-authored publications, I write with a range of colleagues, both within and outside academia - collaborative writing is central to my research practice. I have editing experience, having co-edited a book (Moore et al., 2020) and two special issues of journals (Literacy - Taylor et al., 2022; Language and Intercultural Communication - Harvey et al., 2022). I am working on a monograph, 'The Art of the Linguistic Landscape', with my long-term collaborator (and good friend) artist-researcher Louise Atkinson, which explores languages in public spaces from creative arts, art history, socially engaged arts and language-oriented perspectives. This book, under contract with Multilingual Matters, brings together seven years of my innovative research in linguistic landscapes at the intersections of art and language and contributes to the ever expanding and exciting field of linguistic landscapes.  I'm also currently working on a number of publications arising from current and recent projects, including with colleagues at Jyvaskyla University (Saara Jantti and Sari Poyhonen), University of Leeds (Lou Harvey) and HKUST (James Simpson). 

My writing slowed down during COVID19 lockdowns, as I was also caring for and homeschooling my two children for extended periods, while also holding a leadership role within the department, which affected my ability to clear time and space for the thinking and reading necessary for academic writing. I reflected on this and other aspects of the strangeness of pandemic life here

I am always happy to provide pdfs of my publications to anyone who is unable to access them. Please do get in touch if this is the case. 

Journal Special Issues and Edited Books (peer reviewed)

Journal Articles (peer reviewed)

Book Chapters (peer reviewed)

Working Papers (reviewed within the TLANG research team)

Book Reviews 

Authored blog posts