
Recognition for participants

May 2024

We are pleased to say that we will now be offering a £20 voucher to all participants in phase 2 of our research.

This decision has been approved by the The University of Sheffield's Research Ethics Committee and was taken after extensive discussion within the research team and with advisory board member Jenny Okona-Mensah (Fertility Network UK). 

We hope that this will signal our recognition and gratitude for participant's contributions to our research. We know that sometimes participants travel or take time out of work/leisure/family time to take part and we want to recognise this. It is important that participants know that this does not impact their rights to opt-out of or withdraw from any aspect of the research.

We will be sending all previous participants a voucher too over the coming months.

Blog Post

Read our March 2024 blog post which shares our intention to move public discussions of informal donor conception beyond the 'just say no' approach often evident to date:

The Digital Donor Conception Study: Kickstarting a ‘Grown Up’ Conversation about Informal Donor Conception – Sociological Studies Research (