Computational Design Optimization in Geotechnics

Design Optimization

In this work we are seeking to develop software tools for engineers that can be used at the scoping stage, generating designs that are optimized for materials usage, carbon cost etc.

Unlike many other approaches which are tied to specific scenarios, our work is focused on developing globally applicable tools using robust optimization techniques that can identify potentially new forms of optimum layout or handle complex scenarios where simple solutions are lacking.

The image to the upper left illustrates results from a recent Geotechnique paper describing a technique for the global optimization of soil reinforcement layout against the Ultimate Limit State, that can be applied to any slope geometry. For this simple example the procedure generated a layout using 12% less reinforcement than a design based on standard guidance (lower right image).

We are currently working on enhancements to the current technique and extensions to combined structure/foundation optimization.

Key Publications

Gonzalez-Castejon, J. & Smith, CC (2020) Optimized Design of Soil Reinforcement Layout. Geotechnique: International Journal of Soil Mechanics, 10.1680/jgeot.19.P.326. View this article in WRRO