Joining Instructions

Joining links

The conference will be held via Zoom starting at 1 pm on Wednesday the 2nd of September. You will need to register for both days via the links below.


For your sessions you will be made a co-host and be able to share your talk via screen share. The conference organisers will spotlight you while you present and key an eye on the chat for questions at the end. If you would like to e-mail your talk before hand please send it directly to or

Talks will not be recorded unless you specifically ask for this to occur.


  • During the talks please ensure that your microphone is muted.

  • It is up to you if you wish to have your video on or off.

  • Please use the chat box during the talks to ask questions. So that the organisers can spot them can you format them in this manner:
    Q: "your question here"

  • Feel free to use the chat function outside of the talks for general conversation.


If you want to tweet along to the conference then we will be using the #Biosummit2020

We have a twitter feed in the conference room.

Contacting us

If you need to contact one of the organisers our details are here:

Dr Elizabeth Alvey:

Dr David Smith: or @dave_thesmith